I was looking for an excuse to teach myself how to use Tinkercad a few months ago and that excuse conveniently presented itself in the form of the Palm Beach LEDlaunch event.
Louis came up with the original idea of having a glowing LED inside of a business card that could be given out to attendees, which he prototyped with cardboard and paper. After seeing this original design, I thought it would be interesting to put the LED inside of a 3D printed business card. The results are below and the STL files can be downloaded on Thingiverse here if you would like to print your own: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:61695
To print your own simply download and print the STLs. To print in multiple colors as in the example pictures, just pause the print at the appropriate point and change the filament to the new color.
After each part has been printed, insert a LED and 3V battery. Suggested LED and battery parts are:
LED – RGB color-changing LED (cat # LED-158): http://www.allelectronics.com/make-a-store/item/LED-158/RGB-COLOR-CHANGING-LED/1.html
Battery – 3V CR2032: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/CR2032/P189-ND/31939
